Once again my family had set out on another Canadian summer vacation. This time we were heading out to the east coast to discover Nova Scotia and P.E.I.
July 9, 2006 - Halifax
We have woken very early and were very excited for our trip to Nova Scotia. We tried not to forget anything. We called a taxi ready to the a

As usual, Dad talked to the Indian driver. We checked in and boarded on our way to Halifax. After an easy flight we grabbed our luggage, rented a Buick and drove to the Westin Nova Scotian Hotel.
Along th

We then explored since it stopped raining around downtown Halifax. No surprise everyone was cheering about Italy’s winning. We saw the harbor and plenty of boats. We ate at a sushi bar filled with delicious sushi and it was great. We drove back and walked the Board Walk. It was empty with no entertainment. We ended the day here to get ready for tomorrow.
July 10, 2006 - Lunenburg
The next morning we slept in and ended up getting out the room late. We ate at the hotel at Les Elements. We had pancakes and the waffle machine was broken.
Once we clea

When we left, we drove for a while to Peggy’s Cove. When we got there it was very windy and cool because of the coast but th

We then drove to Lunenburg to look at a marine museum. It wasn’t that good and small. It had fish and some models but a ni

July 11, 2006 - Halifax
The next morning we ate a small breakfast at the hotel’s cafĂ© pronto. It was a breakfast of bagels and croissants. We cleaned up and headed out on the road.
We st

We looked for someplace to eat and ended up eating at a bad Chinese restaurant in which we took a lot of leftovers for dad. Next we headed out for a beach that was kind of cool and dunked our feet in the ocean and it was freezing cold but it was the first time I dunked my feet in the Atlantic Ocean.
We quickly went a

After a bathroom stop we started driving back to the hotel. We stopped at a Vietnamese restaurant and dad ate another lobster and this is our last stop and we ended the day here.
July 12, 2006 - Grand Pre, and Brier Island
The next morning we woke up very early to drive our way to Brier Island. After about an hour of driving we stopped at a Tim Horton to eat breakfast. We ate bagels and muffin while Alex ate a coffee cake.

Once again we continued on but stopped to learn the history on the Aca


That was our last stop, now were heading directly to Brier Island. We had to go on two small ferries to go one island to another. Once the ride was done we drove to our hotel the Brier Island Lodge the only hotel on the small, foggy and freaky island. This is when we ended the day.
July 13, 2006 - Brier Island
The next morning it was raining very hard and it was hot in the room. We c

We freshened up and drove to cove trail to seal cove. Dad didn’t come so we went ahead through the wet and muddy trail. We met the fans again on the way telling us there’s only a bit of seals. There were only seals sticking their heads out of the water and ducks because it was high tide. We saw dad on our way back and joined each other to the car.
Our shoes were wet so we had to drive back to our room and had to hurry since were going whal

When we got on shore we rushed to the warmth of the car and took of all our wet clothes. We showered and warmed up in the bed. Most of the rest of the day we relaxed and watched T.V. The parents took our clothes to the Laundromat. We ate dinner at the lodge again of seafood at it was delicious and that ended our day.
July 14, 2006 - Digby, Antigonish
The next morning we tried to catch the early ferry. We almost missed it but ended up catching it and then caught the other one. Now we were on our way but stopped at Tim Horton to eat again. Dad went to Sobey’s and bought chips and nuts.

As we co

Finally we started driving to the go karts in a little park. It was very fun and it was my first time driving and I was good. While there we playe

Once we arrived at Antigonish we checked into our cottage at the Whidden's Trailer Court and it was really nice like our own little house. We were going to go swimming but it was too crowded. We showered and rested, mom and dad left to shop and I got in trouble because dad left the kettle on and I didn’t turn it off. Also I forgot to but the shower curtains at the bottom the tub and the bathroom was a bit wet. After mom settled down we watched T.V. and went to sleep.
July 15, 2006 - Antigonish
The n

We started going but dad didn’t want to but eventually came along and we walked to the Games. Once we paid f

We rested for a long while but later drove around and looked at a beach where I skipped rocks on the beautiful beach. Next we went to a lighthouse AGAIN!!!!! It was same old boring but after it we went to a go karts place. The track was small but I still drove expertly. At the same place we went mini golfing.
On our way back we stopped by Sobey’s to buy a LIVE LOBSTER. It was sad to see it. We dropped the girls off so they can buy pizza and Chinese takeout while the men boiled the lobster alive. Dad was a bit sad but it was pretty good and worth it. After our long day we packed it in and went to sleep.
July 16, 2006 - Sydney, Louisbourg and Cape Breton Island
We started the day eating a simple oatmeal breakfast. After our meal we packed all our things and stole a spoon for dad to eat his Chinese food. We checked out of our cottage and started the road

After a while of driving we stopped at the harbour of Sydney to look at the view and the giant fiddle. As we stopped there we bought souvenirs and Alex went to check her work schedule at a free internet spot.
We drove again but now to Louisbourg Fort. From the entrance we saw a bit of exhibits on the fort and then we took a bus to the fort itself. At the fort bus stop there was a fishing hut there and it was interesting. At the fort entrance there was a humourous guard in the front that a bit too much trouble by not letting us into the fort. Once we got we

We now continued to Cape Breton where we had to cross a ba

Later we walked to the hotel restaurant and ate more seafood like curried mussels and fish n’ chips. We emailed Erik and had to walk back to our room on the road. We freshened up and went to sleep.
July 17, 2006 - Port Hastings
The next morning we ch

We drove a bit more at a harbour and dad asked if there was any lobster to eat but it wasn’t lobster season anymore, it was crab season. We drove for another half an hour to a store to buy food. Mom bought a disgusting burger while Alex and I ate delicious chicken wings. We grabbed snacks for the road and set off again.
We stopped at the Cabot landing whe

Next stop was a beach with flat stones so we skipped rocks for a bit. We were going to a trail but dad didn’t want to so we had to go to a small trail to see swamp. Next we went to the real trail that was uphill and the parents almost gave up. We saw views of the coast and saw some poop (maybe from a bear).

After the hike we were tired so we went straight on to our hotel Cove Motel. We only stopped to eat at a diner where we ate seafood: seafood plate, fish n’ chips and two fish burgers. That was our last stop for the day and we now checked into to the Cove Motel where we got a little private cabin. We watched T.V, showered and went to sleep.
July 18, 2006 - Charlottetown
The next morning we w

First was a knife company with a knife through the building. Next was a lobster shop were we bought a cooked lobster to eat at the beach. We drove to the beach but ate the lobster at an abandoned cottage.
We drove on but stopped at the Confederation Bridge, the bridge connecting P.E.I. and New Brunswick. It is a suspension bridge and an engineering wonder. Onc

We now drove to Charlottetown and ate

July 19, 2006 - Charlottetown
The next morning we went down to the Holiday Inn’s breakfast buffet. After that we headed our way to the deep sea fishing trip. Once we got to the fishing office we signed up at Aiden’s Deep Sea Fishing, but got there too early. We drove around and stopped at a dock and played checkers.

After that we went to the dock to set sail in a small boat. It was a little while until we stopped to start fishing. At first we caught nothing and the fish kept on taking our bait that the crew put on for us. After a while I caught the first fish but it was small. Later Alex caught a big fish and so did I. Mom

We ate lunch and went back to the hotel to get ready for the Anne of Green Gables Musical. Dad stored the fish in the ice case. Dad stayed behind and didn’t watch the musical while we went to the theatre. The musical was really nice and the music was really nice. It was a beautiful performance that we enjoyed. After the show Dad picked us up and we went to the hotel and we slept.
July 20, 2006 - Charlottetown
The next morning we went again for breakfast at the hotel’s breakfast buffet. We checked out and took the ice box for the fish.
We dro

After that we went to an amusement park that is too kiddy and didn’t ride any rides. So instead we went to a beach called

We headed back to go to the airport but stopped to eat McDonalds where we ate McLobster (it sucked). We also ate delicious mussels and clams at a seafood restaurant. We then drove to the airport, returned the car and rushed to the plane where we went back to Toro

This vacation was great and very fun. I got to do very fun new experiences like fishing and seeing beautiful harbour sights. Although the most fun part was that I was able to spend time with my family and I hope next trip is going to be just as fun.